Things I've made or making to put my dent in the universe.
A list of projects I'm working on, worked upon or will work on.
Projects I currently work on.
My personal blog which you can partially access here & more on substack
Side ProjectNotionSubstack
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My personal website built with Next.js & Notion API
Side ProjectNext.jsTailwind CSSNotionAPIVercelAuth0Git
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Projects I worked on. Due to nature of internet businesses not all of them are still online.
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A bot to enhance guest-stay at high-end hospitability locations
Side ProjectHerokuPostgreSQLFacebook BotNLPFlaskHTMLGit
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ColorIt Bot
Facebook bot which created black&white images
Side ProjectPythonFlaskHeroku
Shut down
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Github Page
My old personal website created using Jekyll
Shut down
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Sodoku Solver
Python program to auto-solve Sudoku
Side ProjectPythonCLI
Shut down